Geography club

online Geography documentary club

online Fieldwork club

Fieldwork club is all about practical geography. On the fieldwork website are lots of ideas of geography that can be done outside.

Geography websites and games

Tours of the world

Eco club

The Eco club is part of geography but is also more than just that. Find out how the eco club is helping your school environment at their page below.

What careers can an interest in geography lead you to?

Landscape architect

Landscape architects plan, design, create and manage the landscapes we live and work in.

Town planner

Town planners help shape the way towns and cities develop, and balance the demands on land with the needs of the community.

Civil drafter

Prepare drawings and topographical and relief maps used in civil engineering projects, such as highways, bridges, pipelines, flood control projects, and water and sewerage control systems.

Rural surveyor

Rural surveyors value the assets of farms and estates, advise clients on legal and tax issues, and plan and develop land use.