EP: Interdisciplinary Studies
Are you interested in how people learn or why they behave the way they do? This course emphasizes the cognitive and sociocultural levels of psychology, including theories related to memory, learning, emotion, motivation, and development. Students will also be introduced to health psychology – mental health, stress, mindfulness and meditation, and research related to the treatment of various disorders. Due to the nature of this discipline, students will be encouraged to evaluate research, pursue inquiries, and synthesize information in a meaningful and often personal way to develop skills in the Communication, Thinking, and Personal and Social Core Competencies. Concepts in this course may overlap with those in Physical and Health Education and Career-Life Education in the BC Curriculum.
Students must complete an application and have teacher permission.
Students may TA in a variety of classrooms. Students must be well organized, helpful, and responsible and have good attendance. A limited number of positions are available for approved students. Application forms are available in the counselling office.
This is a course for only the truly committed individuals. Leadership 11/12 will enable students to develop valuable life skills that will be useful in school, community organizations, or places of employment. These skills include communication, public speaking, event planning, time management, goal setting, and peer mentoring to name a few.
Students will use the skills learned to help create a positive climate at SKSS as well as in the community. This is a project-based course that includes a requirement of volunteerism. Students will plan and organize events for worthy causes such as the Terry Fox Run and Kamloops Food Bank, Spirit Weeks and much, much more. If you are a hardworking, committed individual who would like to have fun, this is the course for you!