Digital Media, Computers & Robotics 11

Applied Skill


Quite simply, it is the hottest, coolest, most exciting and dynamic career field there is! Choosing computer science/programming as your area of study is a choice that will change your life and open a world of opportunities.

This course focuses on the development of programs using a structured, programming language. Students use the Python language to learn Methodology, Structures, Graphics and User Interfaces, Arrays, and Application Development. Additionally, as time permits more advanced interactive topics could be explored.

Computer Animation 

Applied Skill


Enhancement Fee: $10

This course is an introduction to the world of animation in both 2D and 3D for those new to animation. For returning students this course is designed to further develop students’ knowledge of their animation skills with the Blender program and 3D animations. Students will fully explore the stages of animation creation. From sketching, storyboard development, tutorial writing, creating of animations, presentations and portfolio development. This course is designed to encourage students’ creativity and ability to generate complex graphic designs and computer animations. Artistic talent is not required.

Applied Skill


“Marketing drives the world”.

What does Tim Horton’s have in common with the Kamloops Blazers or Taylor Swift with Apple’s iTunes or Home Depot with West 49? The answer is that each of these organizations participates in retail marketing in some form or another.

Marketing and Promotion 11 is an introductory project-based course that allows students the opportunity to examine retail marketing and discover how consumers’ lives influence retail marketing. Topics covered include marketing strategies, public relations, advertising, ad/graphic design, subliminal advertising, consumer buying behavior, music in marketing and retail store layout. Some highlights of the course include 30- second TV commercials, field trips to Sun Peaks or other recreation areas and marketing campaigns for various local organizations.

Applied Skill


“What drives you?”

What does Toyota have in common with Costco, Facebook with Petro Canada or Victoria’s Secret with Best Buy? The answer is that each of these organizations participates in global marketing in some form or another.

Entrepreneurship 12 is a project-based course that allows students to examine global marketing to discover how consumers’ lives influence global marketing, and vice versa. Students will gain firsthand experience in business management and entrepreneurship. Marketing 12 is a dynamic course that will help students learn about themselves as consumers and apply their knowledge to retail merchandising and its impact globally.

Topics include consumer behavior, marketing research, retail merchandising, Internet, TV and

Facebook advertising, logos, slogans, buzz marketing and shopping mall layouts.

Some highlights of the course include field trips to various areas such as Sun Peaks, working with the City of Kamloops to develop a marketing campaign, marketing of an international tour for an entertainment company or act as it travels the world.

Applied Skill


Enhancement Fee: $10

Students will have the opportunity to learn computer-based programming skills, robot building and control, while being in a fun and relaxed learning environment. Independent and self- directed discovery allow students to work and learnat their own pace. Skills you will learn include, but are not limited to: Robotic programming using block coding, flowchart-based coding and basic C coding, Manual robot navigation with a joystick or cell phone, Robot building using Lego Mindstorms, Problem Solving and Trouble shooting, design and Prototype testing, Critical thinking, Working in a group.

Potential future paths:

Mechanical Engineer, Robotics Engineer, Computer Software Engineer, Robotics Technician, Computer Systems Engineer.