iPad applications

App: Book Creator

Cost: $6.99 also chrome book app

Learning: An app that allows you to embed drawings, images, voice recordings, video, text and more! Students can create exciting books to show their learning and inspire thinking in all curricular areas.



Book Creator Creation
Chatter Pix Creation

Cost: Free

Learning: A picture-taking app that allows you to swipe to add a mouth and then record your voice! Have your students create book reports where the book tells you why it is great! Creative Thinking, Language Arts, Communication- check! Good for all ages, ChatterPix is fairly quick to understand and use. Considerations are how to share the video files once they are created - probably loading them onto the iPad's photos and loading into Google Drive is easiest.

App: Do Ink! (Green Screen Animation)

Cost: $2.99

Learning: A creation app where you use recorded video in front of a green screen to be able to put your students in front of an image of anywhere in the world!

Needs: The green screen! Tablecloth, fabric, paper or paint!

Don't have a big sheet to use? Create a pizza box theatre with green paper in large pizza boxes, or use green ink (both real and virtual)

Upgrade: Try it with your own writing! Have students record a video where they read their writing overlaying an image of their written work and an illustration. Replay a scene from a movie, interview someone from a faraway land, focus on exploring habitat, and so much more!

Green Screen Creation

Cost: $2.99 or $13.99

Learning: A screen-casting whiteboard app with infinite opportunities to create exciting ways to share your learning! Can be used for digital storytelling, building presentations and more.

App: Fresh Grade for Students

Cost: Free

Learning: This app allows students in SD73 to access their FreshGrade account in order to add elements to their Digital Portfolio that parents can see. All students in SD73 have an account. There are a few steps required to set this up for your class and your parents. With this work, students are encouraged to highlight their thinking and learning and thoughtfully curate representations to share.

Fresh Grade student app login.pdf

App: iMovie

Cost: Free

Learning: A creation app where you can use still frames and record original video to be able to create dynamic original edited videos! Visual and text elements are included, lots of transitions and more!

New update should include Green Screen Capability.

Cost: Free

Learning: A game where you have to draw a line under the cyclist so they don’t crash. Considering the laws of physics! Link fine arts, science, and technology Have students listen to a song and create a series of lines that will allow the rhythm and tempo of the song to be portrayed.

The upgrade: provide four or five choices of songs, and varying but clear tempos, rhythms for students to tackle a ten-thirty second segment.

App: Padlet

Cost: Free

Learning: A creation app where you can collaborate to ad your ideas and summarize thinking! Visual and text elements are included

Puppet Pals

App: Puppet Pals

Cost: Free (or full version)

Learning: Students can use the program's characters and backgrounds to animate and record their own voices to demonstrate any kind of learning or creative storytelling.

App: Sphero Edu

Cost: Free

Learning: Working with Sphero supports many different areas of cross-curricular learning and core competency development. This slide deck explains some elements of work with Sphero. Additionally, "Sphero Camp" and "le Camp Sphero" support how it is implemented in a classroom.

Coding with Sphero
le Camp Sphero
Sphero Camp

Cost: Free

Learning: A creation app where you use still-frame images connected and played with short transitions to make an animation. Great for showing art and reviewing learning about any focus. You can record voices, or music to go with the animation.

Upgrade: Try it with Lego! Try to have the animation portray the scenes according to the sound changes in a piece of music!

Here is a slide show that looks at the movement, set/props, and camera position and provides examples of videos for students to critique. As well, there is a rubric included to support assessing student work with Stop Motion Animation.

Stop Motion Creation
Toontastic 3D Creation TM 2020

Cost: Free

Learning: A creation app where you use cartoon puppets that are already generated, or draw your own, to move them around the screen and record your voice. Great for showing storytelling and reviewing learning about any focus. You can record voices, and add music to go with the animation.

App: Cardboard Camera



App: Doceri



App: Expeditions



App: Garage Band



App: Haiku Deck



App: Hopscotch



App: Book Creator



App: Aurasma



App: Brain Pop



App: Scratch Jr



App: Sock Puppets



App: Socrative



App: Spark Video



App: Toontastic



App: Khan Academy



App: Pic Collage



App: Playgrounds



App: ThingLink



District App list

SD73 Commonly Used App List

How to purchase and install new apps on SD73 registered devices

App purchasing