Distance Learning

January 2022 - Planning for Continuity of Learning

I am going to streamline my advice and keep us within Google Workspace as much as possible as we do have permission and access for all our students. Teachers may want to reference these reflection interviews from SD73 colleagues post-distance learning in 2020: Quality Instruction.

If teachers are comfortable with Google Classroom, it will cover many of our considerations for student connection: Building Community, Delivering Learning Standards, Facilitating Instruction and Providing Meaningful Feedback and Assessment.

If teachers are not interested in using Google Classroom I am advising a three-pronged approach.

  1. For communication with families and sharing video/text/images/pages/assignments/updates etc... we can use Google Sites. All the resources that I have prepared around Google Sites and Distance Learning. These Google Sites can stay privately published for users only within gedu (where the student would have to log in), or published not for internet searches and sent as an email through MyEd to parents.

  2. For collection of evidence of learning from students, I would love to connect teachers to using a shared Google Drive folder (one per student) where students can load their evidence of learning into a Google Folder that the teacher can also access. Here is a video to talk through how to put students in the driver's seat of curating evidence of leanring. Here is a reference slide to print. To offer the student direct feedback on the work that has been submitted, teachers can add comments onto those files: https://youtu.be/oDnMtMWuvKY.

  3. For face-to-face connections there is a direct link to Google Meet that is found in Google Classroom. If you are not in Classroom or prefer to use Zoom, you would talk to your administrator about getting a license for zoom.

I do know that some teachers will want something else, and at that time they can talk to their administrator for permission to be able to work with another piece of software or platform.

I will continue to add all my resources onto My.SD73 and SD73 Technology Integration.

Also, all my old resources for distance learning are still here: https://sites.google.com/gedu.sd73.bc.ca/kamthompsontechtalk/archived-resources/distance-learning


There is more:

Digital Classroom

1. Google Sites Through Google Sites you could create a holding place for different resources for your students to be able to offer self-guided opportunities, as well as link essential resources or work.

This would also allow you to link your Zoom chats for regular class connections or deliver a daily message.

Here is an example of what that might look like: https://sites.google.com/gedu.sd73.bc.ca/onlinelearningdemo

2. Blog You could use a blog to hold resources, links and deliver daily messages.

3. Email Through email to parents (or older students) you could deliver links or attach resources.

4. Google Classroom (see the tab below, "Digital tools to streamline resource sharing and student work submission," for more info)

5. Google Slides A Google Slide deck could be the digital framing that you use to hold your classroom as it can be personalized in many ways. See here

Generating Face-to-Face Connection

1. Google Hangouts / Google Meet This Google App for Education allows direct video an audio connection between gedu accounts (K-12) using the app, extension or online link. The link for Google Meet Web Conferencing is now directly in Google Classroom to make hosting web conferences more secure and simple. Hangouts.google.com or look for hangouts or meet in your G Suite "waffle." These meetings can be recorded for sharing with students that did not attend *Be aware of FIPPA considerations when recording and sharing recordings*

This resource document includes useful reference videos for Hangouts/Meet and Zoom.

2. Zoom.us This online platform allows users to join with audio and video through an app, extension or link, depending on the device. This tool is available to all users and doesn't require an account in order to have access. These meetings can be recorded for sharing with students that did not attend *Be aware of FIPPA considerations when recording and sharing recordings*

If you require a Zoom account please contact your school administrator.

This resource document includes useful reference videos for Hangouts/Meet and Zoom.

This resource document supports all security settings recommended in SD73.

Formative Assessment in Face-to-Face Moments

Using a collective document or having students share their thinking and give feedback at the end of class-wide or small group video meetings can be a good way to get a feel for the group understanding and notice students that might need a little more help.

Just a note that most of these suggestions will require students to be able to navigate two devices or be able to reduce the size of their screen to have their web meeting and also a screen to work on. Here's how to do that:

1. Whiteboard.fi is a tool that your students can use to write on a screen and share their thinking or their work. Alice Keeler writes a very helpful review, here https://alicekeeler.com/2020/04/09/live-session-student-whiteboards-whiteboard-fi/

2. Kahoot and Quizizz are two platforms that teachers can use to gamify formative assessment and build connection with their learners.

Here is a slide presentation featuring a Zoom web meeting on the last slide. SLIDE HERE

3. Ticket out the Door Structuring a check in after your video conferences or teaching moments is a good way to determine what students have understood and supports their growth and learning. Consider a digital strategy of an exit ticket through comments, shared Google Doc or Slide, FlipGrid, Padlet

4. Google Jamboard new in gedu, curated resources here

Digital tools to streamline resource sharing and student evidence of learning

1. Google Classroom

We have this excellent tool at our disposal that can be very helpful for any students with gedu accounts. Google Classroom can allow for students to view resources, open and work with templates of Slides or Docs that you have shared, as well as hold feedback, allow for quizzes, conversations and more. Something that is unique about Google Classroom in this learning moment is that students can remain connected to each other if you open student comments and prompt student interaction.

I believe that Google Classroom provides a terrific way to streamline work and resources for students.

Students need to have gedu accounts for access to this tool. Parents can be invited to view assignments as "guardians" and be emailed a summary of the week's assignments and requirements in order to keep students on track.

Here are additional resources with tutorial videos and step by step slide supports: Google Classroom

2. Google Drive

Considering Google Drive as a way to have students in the driver's seat as they share evidence of learning: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0qybKdvQowo

Here is how to give feedback for evidence of learning in a shared Google Drive: https://youtu.be/oDnMtMWuvKY

3. MyEdBC parent emails

Through MyEdBC teachers can email all parents of their students at once. This strategy can allow you to check in with the class and deliver communication to everyone. If you are using this strategy you might follow a plan to communicate on a regular basis to keep families informed of student work and goals, or you might use the email to share links to the specific work that you will be doing. Parents might check in with you by email, or submit student work to you by email through photos or videos.

4. Google Jamboard curated resources here

Digital tools to record video for students

Creating video for students is a great way to give feedback and instruction.

1. Screencastify

One of my very favourite chrome extensions is Screencastify. If you go to the chrome web store and search screencastify you can add it to your Google chrome account. This will allow you to make videos recording your live-broadcast screen, your voice, and include your webcam if you want. All videos are automatically loaded to Google Drive. If you would like students to view the videos be sure to update your sharing settings. Screencastify is available in a free version with a limit of 50 videos per month. It can be used for instruction as well as feedback.

2. Google Hangouts Meet

All users K-12 with gedu accounts in SD73 include this tool to be able to connect virtually. This can allow you to host one of more viewer with video and/or audio and you can share your screen and record the video directly to your Google Drive for later reference.

3. Zoom

An amazing resource for virtual meetings is Zoom. Users can access Zoom meetings through a link that can be sent in email and don't have to log in, unless you ask for a password. Users can share video or audio and you can control their participation (mute, hide video) and share a whiteboard screen or your screen (or other options). Additionally, you can record video meetings for later. SD73 recommended security settings. Contact your admin to have your account created.

4. Device video recording

By recording video and loading it to Google Drive you can make video message and feedback to be viewable to your students, ensuring that you have updated your sharing settings from Drive.

6. Google Jamboard new in gedu, curated resources here

Digital tools for Communication

1. Email Teacher can email parents and students through MyEd or directly to their email address in zimbra.

Student email info here: https://youtu.be/bm_7fNwghos

2. Google Apps By sharing one Google Doc or Slide with all students, communication can be typed in (or talk-to-text) so that all assignments, links, videos and other are in one place.

4. FlipGrid Through a shared grid students and teachers can connect through recording video with questions. Tutorials here

Collecting Student Questions

Students have questions all day long. How can students ask questions when they aren't with their teacher?

1. Google Keep Through this app (located in Google Drive or as a separate app), students can enter their questions when they have them, and then the teacher can reply, when they get to it. https://youtu.be/MKXC6nFA7z8

2. Google Docs By sharing one Google Doc with all students, questions can be typed in (or talk-to-text) so that questions are submitted and can be answered when the teacher gets to the doc.

3. Email Students and parents can email the teacher. Student email info here

4. Phone If there is a good phone number, parents and students could call to submit their questions (I know - not ideal). As well, teachers might have a google account (not gedu) that can support using Google Voice.

5. FlipGrid with admin permission. Tutorials here

6. Padlet with admin permission. Is a great free platform to have students enter their images, videos, text and audio in an asynchronous way.

7. Google Jamboard curated resources here

Asynchronous Formative Assessment at a Distance

1. Kahoot and Quizizz are two platforms that teachers can use to gamify formative assessment and build connection with their learners. Here is a slide presentation featuring a Zoom web meeting on the last slide. SLIDE HERE

2. Google Classroom allows posting questions in the stream to have students respond quickly and give teachers a peek into their understanding.

3. Ticket out the Door Structuring a check in after your video conferences or teaching moments is a good way to determine what students gleaned. Consider a digital strategy of an exit ticket through comments, shared Google Doc or Slide, FlipGrid, Padlet

4. Google Forms By using the structure of sharing a Google Form, students can respond to quizzes and use the structure of Google Forms to learn from text or video and then respond to show their understanding.

5. FlipGrid (with admin permission.) My support with FlipGrid is limited as it is newly permitted. Here is a resource page of curated video tutorials for students and teachers working with FlipGrid.

6. Google Jamboard curated resources here

7. Google Drive

Considering Google Drive as a way to have students in the driver's seat as they share evidence of learning: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0qybKdvQowo

Here is how to give feedback for evidence of learning in a shared Google Drive: https://youtu.be/oDnMtMWuvKY

Here is a slide presentation about feedback and assessment ideas

Tech as a tool for Creation and Curation

This is an opportunity for students to dig into uses of tech to create exciting products of learning, and use technology to curate all the unplugged learning that they are doing. Here is a slide presentation meant to serve as a reference for some different ways that students might use technology to create and curate.


Distance Learning Bits n Bytes

I tried to summarize my thinking as of April 15th, 2020.

Major vulnerability hangover here but the live recorded version is at the end. Stay well.

Feedback and Assessment

Here is a slide resource with some ideas of how to support students through offering feedback, and how to track feedback in order to support assessment.

This is a work in progress and continues to be informed by my reading, learning and listening to colleagues.

If you would like to have someone to talk through your context and work, please feel free to reach out.

I like Google Slides for all that it can offer with collecting videos, audio files, images, links and text in order to support many different functions. To the right is a template for a Google Slides template that could be used to structure a unit of work to be sent to students as a file shared with them, through Google Classroom, or in a link in a parent email. Feel free to ignore, copy and change as you like.

Unit Planning Template

As soon as you look online you will find reams of posts and pages and links of resources with different tools and lessons and suggestions that have been assembled by different educators. I know that this can feel like more information than is helpful so feel free to take a peek if you want, but I do believe that now isn't the best time to add a whole bunch of new things to your portfolio as your students will also likely feel overwhelmed.

Start small. Pick a way to connect with your students and work to get them together in community. The first steps might be deciding how you will "hold" your classroom now. What are your expectations going to be? What are your biggest needs?

Then, start with basic routines that you would like to maintain. Maybe you host a weekly web meeting at the same time every day? Maybe you send out a morning message every day? It's not 100% that all students will see it at the same time, but it makes things consistent for you.

Finally, what are the main goals that you have for your students, within the reality in which we are working?

If there are specifics that you are looking for? Suggestions or help with one component, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Elizabeth's thinking about moving students into a digital space from Spring 2020.

This is entirely my own brain flow, uninformed by district decisions.

Continuity of Learning Plan

April 6, 2020

Coordinator Zoom Sessions: https://bit.ly/HGECzooms

Have you got a question about Google Classroom? https://support.google.com/edu/classroom/?hl=en#topic=6020277

Make sure you check and update your student comment settings , and your email notification settings !


- Consider the use of photo sharing as a way to connect your students and see evidence of learning and work. Some tools are currently available to collect evidence of learning, build portfolios and streamline parent communication: Google Suite, FreshGrade (SD73 accounts), SeeSaw (newly permitted).

Join the Technology Zooms to talk about these platforms. Schedule here


- SD73 has purchased TypingPal.net that you might choose to use to support your students in their keyboarding skills if they have access at home (ADST and Career Ed). You can create your class, monitor progress and send out the appropriate lessons for their skill level.

Contact edevries@sd73.bc.ca to begin your SD73 account and get your password.

Resource Document


- FlipGrid is a new software that is approved for use at this time and allows asynchronous student sharing through an app or web browser. Teachers can create classes and "grids" to connect to learners with video-responses.

Check YouTube for resources

For more on edtech supports, contact edevries@sd73.bc.ca


March 27, 2020

Parent Supports have been updated :https://sites.google.com/gedu.sd73.bc.ca/kamthompsontechtalk/distance-learning/parent-resources-with-distance-learning

March 26, 2020

We are doing this, teachers. We are connecting with colleagues and sharing our expertise and supporting one another. Leveraging our skills to support our students and families. Learning. So. Much!!!

A few notes:

"Software and Privacy Considerations"

For the 2019-2020 school year district-approved software includes:

MyEdBC for reporting, online submission of work, communication with students and parents, portfolios, and keeping track of marks

FreshGrade for communication between parents, students and teachers, sharing work, and portfolio-building

Bloomz for communication with parents

Check My Progress for teachers to record marks and students to access them

Prodigy Math for students to work on independent math practice in a game format

TypingPal for students to build keyboarding skills where teachers can watch their progress

In order to support distance learning for the Covid-19 school closures, we have additionally approved:

Zoom.us for videoconferencing in group and one-on-one, recording video of lessons

FlipGrid to allow students to submit images and videos of work, enter video responses, and submit questions asynchronously

SeeSaw to allow communication and work-sharing between teachers and families

It is important that we recall these considerations of privacy in all software application:

A- Does it require a student login?

If no - apply your critical thinking and if it is appropriate for use in your classroom you're good to go.

If yes, then ask:

B- Does the login require additional student information that puts our students at risk (full student name, location, or other information personal to the student)

If no - then apply your critical thinking and if it is appropriate for use in your classroom you're good to go.

If yes, then check with your admin and you may possibly need a permission slip to allow use.

Some teachers are developing a digital holding place, blog, or website for their resources, lessons and communication with families.

It is important that we recall these considerations of privacy in developing digital sharing places for resources:

A- Does it put student privacy at risk? (full names, images, locations, scores/grades, and more)

If no - apply your critical thinking and if it is appropriate for use in your classroom you're good to go.

If yes, then ask:

B- Can I add a login, limit the audience or remove that personal information?

If no - then apply your critical thinking and consider another solution

If yes, you're good to go

SD73 Tech Coordinator, Elizabeth deVries, can be contacted for support with these platforms, and information can also be found on the Intranet (Schools - Curriculum- Technology Integration)

"Technology Acceptable Use"

This moment in distance learning is a valuable time to remind families and students about the SD73 Student Code of Conduct and the SD73 Technology Student Acceptable Use policies that still apply throughout SD73.

Developing a class contract for expectations around distance learning could be a positive way to build this new class connection.

"Teacher Resources"

Technology Resources https://sites.google.com/gedu.sd73.bc.ca/kamthompsontechtalk

Technology Support (for gedu and distance learning) Contact: edevries@sd73.bc.ca

MyEdBC Resources http://myed73.sd73.bc.ca/

MyEdBC Support Contact: slane@sd73.bc.ca and bepp@sd73.bc.ca

"Student Resources"

Students gr 1 - 12 have gedu accounts to allow access to G-Suite, Fresh Grade and more

Kindergarten students can have accounts created when the school admin contacts IT to make the request

All student login info can be obtained by clerical or admin access in KATE to print the "student access card"

*Each student should only see their login information by personal email or a printed card.*

Standard username/password form for STUDENT accounts (all accounts listed below)

username: firstname.lastname

password: sd+pupil# (ex. sd123456)

*if you are not sure of the username, or a password isn't working, double click on the 'Student Info' zimlet in your Zimbra zimlet section and it will display the student’s username and allow you to reset the password if needed (please set to district standard of sd+pupil#). For additional student gedu issues please put in an IT ticket within Zimbra zimlet section including student username and PEN.

To access student zimbra email: https://student.sd73.bc.ca/ Tutorial video: https://youtu.be/bm_7fNwghos

address: firstname.lastname@student.sd73.bc.ca password: student password

To access Google Suite:

address: firstname.lastname@gedu.sd73.bc.ca password: student password

The gedu username and password is then extended to additional software such as FreshGrade, TypingPal, etc...


March 23, 2020

As the 2019-2020 school year continues, there are lots of questions around Distance Learning and what that can look like. While we await direction from our administrators, there are some questions that might be helpful to reflect on.

Continuity of Learning Brainstorming Questions

Also, the page linked below has a number of video tutorials that might help you as you move forward.

Distance Learning

Training Videos and Tutorials

Parent and Student Tutorials

If you have questions or need help, feel free to reach out edevries@sd73.bc.ca


Knowing what my student access is, and my level of confidence, I can move forward to plan how to deliver my online learning. These levels of tech use fit for the description of the families or the description of the teacher.

No-to-Low Tech

1. Email or phone all parents with attachments and directions to pick up a package of activities and resources to refer to for future learning

2. Zoom account and schedule to plan "full class" connections (circle time, calendar, songs, stories, direct lessons, class discussions, number talks and more) so that larger groups of students can see each other and their teacher as well as one-one-one or smaller group connections to check in on student learning

3. Plan for check-in or submission of student work back to the teacher for feedback (at those Zoom meetings?)

Low-to-Mid Tech

1.Using MyEd to email all families with gedu passwords (all passwords and logins available through "student access card" secretaries in KATE), instructions to access gedu, and directions to share links to the "Online Class"

2. Building an “Online Class” as a platform to hold communication (maybe Google Site, Google Classroom, or FreshGrade)

3. Zoom as above

4. Plan for check-in or submission of student work as above

Mid-to-High Tech

All above and:

5. Digital student work and feedback through Google Classroom or FreshGrade

6. Using screencast video to record lessons, explanations and reminders for students

High Tech

Maybe you don't need support at all and can support others!