Digging into Digital Citizenship


Help your students develop their skills in digital literacy by reviewing a few of these key pieces.

Lesson idea:

Have your students come up with a number of questions or themes that they want to pursue, then have them locate five articles of varying "trustworthiness"

Challenge them to rank the five sources, according to trustworthiness, and identify why they have ranked them in that order.

Have them summarize what they learned from the articles and maybe where they noticed different information.

See if they can come up with some further questions on the topic of theme that they might like to follow a little further.


Can We Auto-Correct Humanity?

Target Audience: Middle and High School

Thinking Routine: Connect-Extend-Challenge

Dangers of Oversharing on the Internet

Target Audience: grade 6 and up

Thinking Routine: "Three Struck Me"

Show the video and have students share the three points that left a lasting impression on them.

Thinking Routine: Sketchnote

Show the video and have students doodle, draw and sketchnote while they are watching, creating a poster or visual to share the main ideas for them.

Think Before you Post

Target Audience: grade 6 and up

Thinking Routine: Hot Spots

Digital Dossier

Target Audience: grade 4 and up

Thinking Routine: Think - Puzzle - Explore

Digital Detective: Online Critical Thinking and Citizenship

Target Audience: grade 3 and up

Thinking Routine: Chalk Talk

Digital Citizenship: Plaigiarism and Citation

Target Audience: grade 4 and up (fast reading required)

Thinking Routine: Sentence - Phrase - Word

What do Your Digital Footprints Say About You

Target Audience: grade 7 and up

Thinking Routine: Headlines