gedu (Google Suite)

Google Suite


password: student password

*there is no gmail account associated with this Google account

Logging into gedu from home.pdf

Useful Google Apps to load to a tablet or phone:

  • Google Drive

  • Google Classroom

  • Google Docs

  • Google Slides

  • Google Keep

Logging out of Google Drive on an iPad.pdf

Loading files in Google Drive

In order to send resources and work to your teacher you may have a shared Google Drive. Here is a quick video to add files to a Google Folder, using a computer.

This can also be done on a personal device through the Google Drive app.

Loading Evidence of Learning into Google Drive.webm

Google Classroom


password: student password

How to access Google Classroom.pdf

Google Classroom accounts are set to email their users. In SD73 that works with both teachers and parents. Emails go to the teacher's or the student's It can be a LOT of emails unless we remember to turn off those email notifications.

Here is how students can turn off email notifications in Classroom:

Turning off Email Notifications in Classroom.webm
Google Classroom -Handing in assignments.webm

Thank you to Mrs Sauer for this video teaching students how to hand in an assignment in Google Classroom

Getting started with a chromebook at home

Getting started with a chromebook at home.pdf