Google Forms in LA

Google Forms can be used to support Language Arts objectives and can be a rich way to explore design thinking.

Here is a sequence that could be followed to develop Google Forms "Choose Your Own Adventure" stories with your class.

1) Let them play with a story first, to see how it works

three little pigs

California trip


2) Show them the tricks on how to build the "code" behind the story flow

3) Show a template:

Template one

Template easy

4) Allow them to play and explore as they build one

5) Have them send it to a buddy to check that it works and to have their partner use the marking scheme to see where improvements can be made.

6) Have them de-bug and fix it up to improve it or add photos to make it better. Another note is that students could add a message from the author in the "presentation" option when editing options for the form.

7) Submit and assess

Assessment ideas

8) Celebration and sharing of stories with student feedback!