World News

Far-Right Shooting in Germany Kills Nine

Nine are killed after a suspected far-right motivated attack on Shisha Bars in West Germany.

Reporter Jessi Starcher

Hanau, Germany, February 19th, 2020, Germany experienced one of its worst mass shootings in the past few years. The attack came from a suspected Far-Right radicalist, a quickly growing ideology in the nation. The shooter had racist motives and purposely targeted Shisha bars, a favorite pastime of many of Germany’s vast Turkish minority. By the time he was finished, 11 were killed, including the shooter and his mother at home.

The shooter, identified as Tobais R., had previously made many online conspiracy posts, ranging from his views supporting eugenics to how he couldn’t interact with women due psychological issues. He had also openly opposed the increased migration from islamic nations over the years to Europe, and once again stated his want for eugenics against these peoples and cultures. Many online are wondering how Tobais was able to obtain the weapons he had for as long as he had with his clear issues even expressed online. Police are still investigating for further motives but it is believed that the attack was race based.

This has been seen as part of a greater issue arising in Germany, that being a rise in far right activity. This has been most prominent in Eastern Germany but has been slowly spreading and increasing in support, rallying support by opposing mass migration to the nation. There is now even a political party, the AfD, based on an anti-migration policy, on the rise as well, slowly increasing in the polls across Germany. This attack is a clear example of how serious the rise of the far-right in Germany is and many are now calling for action.