
Orbán Attempts to Slow Declining Population in Hungary.

Editor Jesse Starcher

In the last couple decades, Hungary’s population has seen a slow decline from 10.7 million to 9.7 million in 2017, a staggering nine percent decrease. This has been caused by an extremely low birth rate and large amount of emigration. In fact, they currently sit at the number 16 spot for highest population decline.

The current ruling party in Hungary, Fidesz, is a right-wing national populist government lead by Viktor Orbán. Orbán and his party oppose immigration into the nation, despite many believing it could be a solution to the declining population of nation. However Orbán, despite what many believe to be an easy to achieve solution, believes there is a way to save the population without immigration.

Orbán has implemented a plan in order to set off a baby boom in the population. He believes that giving out interest loans to young couples, and promising to cut or remove income tax for all Hungarian women with four or more children, will solve the issue. In addition to this, Orbán has also promised to purchase vehicles for these women, more specifically, Hungarian women, as it seems that the Roma or Gypsie minority has been exempt from this treatment. These laws may only help to drain Hungary of its funds, as it is just handing out money in a desperate attempt to get ethnic Hungarians to have more children.

Orbán believes that the entirety of Europe is under an “Invasion” by the massive amounts of refugees and immigrants moving to the continent to seek better lives or sanctuary. He has stated in regards to other European nations, “We Hungarians have a different way of thinking. Instead of just numbers, we want Hungarian children. Migration for us is surrender.”

This is not the first ridiculous rule set forth by the Hungarian government. Months ago Hungary set a law that allowed them to charge homeless people who were “sleeping rough” in public areas. This was met by massive backlash by both Hungarians and the rest of Europe, with many calling it “cruel”. Another controversial law set forth was the so called “Slave Law”, despised by many Hungarians and prompting many protests and demonstrations. These “Slave Laws” allow employers to demand 400 hours of overtime from employees, up 150 from before. In addition, employers are also given the right to delay pay up to 3 years.

These laws were put into place in attempt to reduce the country’s staggeringly high unemployment rates. Hungary’s unemployment rate sits at 4.2 percent, one of the highest in the E.U. This is caused by the labor force shortage which is again, caused by a shrinking population. However the law is just simply ridiculous and will only create more struggles for the Hungarian people.

In general, Fidesz’s far right decision making has only sparked mass controversy and unrest in the nation. None of its promises have been kept and every speech given is the same overly-ambitious ideas that solve nothing and cause more hardship for the nation. Massive dissatisfaction amongst the Hungarian people is only increasing as the party slowly moves into becoming an autocracy.