World News

Tensions Rise Between United States and Iran

Editor-In-Chief Orlando Angelone

Ever since the United States conducted an airstrike killing top Iranian General Qassam Soleimani in Baghdad, tensions have risen to heights not seen by the two nations since the Iranian Hostage Crisis.

The airstrike was ordered by President Donald Trump after the Department of Defense presented him three separate options on what could be done with Iran. Killing Solemani was the most extreme option of the three, but nonetheless, that was what the President Chose.

After the strike was called, the Parliament of Iraq in Baghdad voted to remove all U.S. Troops from Iraq, though the chances of this actually happening are slim to none, with President trump stating that if U.S. troops leave, then Iraq will be responsible for the costs of construction done by the US in the country.

When talking about the killing of Solemani, President Trump stated that, “I will say this, we caught a total monster and we took him out and that should have happened a long time ago,”

It is not certain at this point if war will break out between the two nations, but right now things aren't looking hopeful.