
India and Pakistan Acquiring Nuclear Components Under the Table

Amidst the Coronavirus crisis, both Pakistan and India have been found acquiring nuclear weapons components.

Editor Jessie Starcher

Pakistan and India, both nuclear nations that have been at odds since their partition by the British Government, have been recently found to have been buying nuclear components through gaps in the global economy.

The report comes from the Centre For Advanced Defense Studies (C4ADS), a nonprofit organization that provides major reports and information on global conflicts and international security issues, such as India and Pakistans under the table dealing with nuclear components.

So how exactly are the nations doing this without the knowledge or the consent of other nations? According to the report, both nations have used gaps within the global economy, namely foreign companies that do not fall under certain rules of other nations. Many of these companies are located within major economic hubs such as Hong Kong, Singapore, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

C4ADS has found an additional 46 companies suspected of dealing these components to Pakistan alone, on top of the 113 companies already suspected by major governments like the US and Japan. As for India C4ADS has identified 222 companies, 86 of which dealt with more than one of India’s nuclear facilities.

The reason why this information is so troubling is because of both nation’s history with one another and nuclear weapons. India and Pakistan is considered a major nuclear hotspot as both are armed with nuclear arsenals and have in fact gone to war with one another three times, with many conflicts on and off, mainly over the highly disputed Islam majority region of Kashmir, split by India, Pakistan, and even China. In fact only last year, a sucide attack in the region had almost sent the two nations into another war, with tensions still high to this day.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India and his staff have refused to comment on the matter, and the same goes for Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan and the Pakistani Military. The legality of the entire situation is still being highly debated.