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Newly Elected President of Ukraine President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, who lost the Volodymyr Zelenskiy (Ukrinform TV) Ukrainian Presidential Election (Wikimedia Commons)

Comedian Volodymyr Zelenskiy Wins Ukraine Presidential Election. Defeats President Petro Poroshenko.

Editor-In-Chief Orlando Angelone

KIEV, UKRAINE (Dukes' Dispatch) - After a long fought and contensiouse battle for the Ukrainian Presidency between Current President Petro Poroshenko and T.V. comedian Volodymyr Zelenskiy, the results are in, and winning by a Landslide with 73 percent of the vote was the Comedian Zelenskiy. Poroshenko trailed behind with a small amount of the vote, 24 percent to be exact.

During his victory speech to a large crowd of energied supporters, Volodymyr Zelenskiy stated that, "I will never let you down,"

Zelenskiy, who is 41 years old, was a trained lawyer, comedian, and owner of a production company named Kvartal 95, which creates various forms of visual media. In the Year 2015, Zelenskiy created a television show called Servant of the People, a show in which he stared as the President of Ukraine. Soon after in 2018 a political party was formed with the same name as the T.V. show, which is that party that Zelenskiy ended up running and winning with.

Soon after the election had concluded, the Russian Government released a statement saying that they hope Volodymyr Zelenskiy can show, "sound judgement, honesty, and pragmatism." in what they describe as an effort to "strengthen the contensiouse relations between the Russian Federation and the Ukraine."

Not too long after the results were in, Current President Petro Poroshenko conceded the race, showing that the state of Ukrainian Democracy is strong, despite the recent hardships that the country has been through, whether that be the 2014 annexation of the Crimean Peninsula by the Russian military, or the fighting in rebel held areas in Donetsk and Luhansk.

But despite his concession of the Presidency, Petro Poroshenko has stated that he will not be leaving politics any time soon.

During the Race, Poroshenko argued that the 41 year old Zelenskiy was too, "Inexperienced to stand up to Russia effectively."

Zelenskiy, who will take power in around a month, has stated that his main goals are to reinvigorate the peace talks with the Russian Government. But Volodymyr Zelenskiy did not state many policy positions during the campaign. He shied away from serious interviews, opting for more comedic, light hearted social media posts.

Zelenskiy focused much of his campaign on comedy, like when before a large televised debate in a stadium, he demanded that both himself and President Poroshenko both take drug tests if he was to do the debate. Poroshenko agreed and the tests were taken, and surprise, the tests came back negative on both sides for any illicit substance.

As of now the Ukraine is in an interesting position. They have opted for a new path forward with an inexperienced outsider chosen to lead them. There are many questions still unanswered, whether that be with the Russian Federation or the Rebels fighting in the East of their nation. But for now there is only one thing assured, and it is that Ukraine will look much different in the next four years.