World NEws

No Rest for Uighurs as China Implements Forced Labor Camps

Recent evidence has suggested that China has been using forced labor manned by Uighur minorities

Reporter Jesse Starcher

Evidence that surfaced recently has shown that the Chinese government may be using forced labor factories to further put down the Muslim Uighur minority. China already has a bad track record regarding the Uighurs, as even last year information and hard evidence came up about Chinese internment camps, labeled as “Reeducation centers” by China. The Uighurs who got out of these camps claim that China is attempting to wipe out their race and culture.

Think-Tank made a report on these labor factories and have listed many global companies complicit in this, including Nike and Apple. These workers have been forcibly transferred out of Xinjiang and put into factories under these companies, making little to no pay. Along with this they are also forbidden from practicing their Islamic Faith, and are forced to learn and speak Mandarin.

China has as usual denied these claims, and have written them off as Anti-Chinese sentiment, and have also claimed that it is getting in the way of their “anti-terrorism” initiatives in Xinjiang. As of now China has received minimal backlash from other governments, other than public outcry.

This has stemmed from 2014 when after mass protests in Xinjiang triggered a full Chinese take down of the province’s rights and autonomy. The province is under mass surveillance and restrictions, the internet has been cut off, and entry into and out of the province is near impossible and considered dangerous. Tensions and relations have worsened since 2018 with the release of satellite images of Chinese internment camps in Xinjiang were revealed. Further information and evidence has shown that people were taken in the millions to these camps to be “re-educated”. Some insider information has even suggested that torture and brainwashing were used in these camps.

The Chinese government has yet to take responsibility for this and neither has the international community.