U.S. News

Trump Vows To Fight Results of The Election, Refuses To Concede

Legal Challenges Launched By The Trump Campaign Produce Few Results

Editor Tyler Bagent

As of November 22nd, 2020, President Donald Trump has not yet conceded the 2020 Election to President-elect Joe Biden, despite networks and political figureheads declaring the election to be over. This comes as the Trump Campaign continues to file lawsuits on behalf of the President, looking to reverse the results of the election, claiming fraud.

Initially on Election Night, President Trump held a press conference in which he declared victory, and was criticized by the media. At the press conference, he vowed to take matters into the hands of the Supreme Court. Since then, he has tweeted out many claims of victory and accusations of widespread voter fraud. On November 18th, he claimed “I WON THE ELECTION. VOTER FRAUD ALL OVER THE COUNTRY!” After the election, he has only held one press conference in which he did not take questions from reporters. He has also been seen golfing several times in the past two weeks, even skipping a G20 summit meeting to play.

So far, the Trump Campaign is 1-49 on lawsuits, only winning a small victory in Pennsylvania to force elections officials to use a system that was already commonplace. Trump’s legal team, headed by Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, has sued several times to stop the counting of ballots in several states. All of these attempts have failed. A battle is ongoing in Wayne County, MI (Detroit) to stop the certification of their results, as Detroit is the main center of Democratic and Black votes in Michigan. President Trump has intervened personally, making calls to the two Republicans on the Wayne County Board of Elections, and calling Michigan Speaker of the House Lee Chatfield (R). Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer (D) has called this “A blatant attempt to steal the election.”

So far, a concession speech from President Trump looks unlikely as he mulls his options, even reportedly looking to launch a 2024 Presidential Campaign. Regardless, Trump does not look apt to give up the White House, so it remains to be seen when a transition can begin.