U.S. News

Donald Trump Jr. Tests Positive for Coronavirus

He is the fourth person in the Trump family to contact the virus

Reporter Kelsie Henderson

On November 21st, Donald Trump Jr. confirmed that he did in fact have the Coronavirus by posting a video on Instagram explaining how he found out, his symptoms, and what he would do during his quarantine period.

Trump Jr. declared that he was going on a trip and decided to get tested when the test came back positive. He said he was asymptomatic, but would stay indoors for his two week quarantine.

Trump Jr. is not the only member of the Trump family to have contracted the virus. Trump himself, his wife Melania Trump, and his youngest son Barron Trump have all tested positive.

Although how he contracted the virus is unknown, many attendees of an election party that was hosted inside the White House tested positive after the event. According to NPR, many people at the party were not wearing a mask or any sort of face covering. Trump Jr. was among those attending.

Trump Jr. said that he would “spend his time in quarantine by cleaning his guns” and watching television. He asked his supporters for some Netflix recommendations.