U.S. News

Trump Complains About His 'Bestie', Fox News

By Reporter Kimberly Sweeney

Late this summer, Donald Trump telephoned the chief executive of Fox News, Suzanne Scott, to explain to her that he was fed up with her news station. During this long conversation with Ms.Scott, Trump explained how the network was not reporting on him fairly, and he was quite upset with the way he was being portrayed. Three people were with Ms. Scott during the call. Ms.Scott’s response to Trump’s complaints was to urge him to sit for an interview with Bret Baier, the channel’s chief political anchor. Ms. Scott has led the cable network since the previous year, and has had her fair share of dealing with the whiny President.

However, Trump has now officially decided that Fox News has been ‘thrown to the dogs’, as the interview with Baier seemed to not satisfy him. As we all know, the president enjoys his Twitter account, and it shows by his recent tweets that his displeasure at Fox has only increased.

“@Fox News doesn’t deliver for U.S. anymore,” tweeted the President. He has also openly griped about the network’s “Good old days”, and how they have decreased in the number of quality stories they output. Trump has taken to calling the network “Hopeless and clueless,” and has reported that the pollsters “Suck.”

Trump constantly reminds all those close to him that he is watching the channel. During a rally in Minnesota, Trump rated his favorite Fox reporters. “Sean’s got the No. 1 show,” he said. “And Laura Ingraham’s knocking them out of the park.” He also reported about those he was not so fond of. Brian Kilmeade, who reportedly had questioned Trump’s decision to remove troops from Syria, was bashed at the rally by the President himself. He even gave a shout-out to a fledgling reporter who happened to be on the rival team of Fox. She was praised, “for [her fair coverage and brilliant reporting.”

Trump forces his allies into a “All or nothing,” type bond, bullying them into a point of complete loyalty for him. As the threat of impeachment only increases, this may be the only thing saving him from being completely overwhelmed. He focuses on every small incorrect thing, and deems the network ungrateful for it’s high rating, which he assumes are related to their association with him.

A Pew study found that 40 percent of Trump voters in 2016 cited the network as their “main source” of news about the campaign. Among all voters, 19 percent cited Fox News as their primary news source, the highest of any network. The channel has been the No. 1-rated cable news network over all since 2002. Due to all of the positivity about Trump on that site, it makes sense that he would care what Fox says about him. Not only is the President all eyes, but so are the general public. Whatever they say on that News network has been shown to influence the public, and could even be attributed to Trump winning the election.

If such is true, then Trump plays dangerous games, trying to destroy the very thing that helped him to the top.