U.S. News

Virginia Gubernatorial Candidate Calls for Martial Law As 2021 Campaign Kicks Off

State Sen. Amanda Chase’s Comments Spark Controversy as Terry McAuliffe Enters Race

Editor Tyler Bagent

In a Facebook post on December 15th, 2020, Republican Gubernatorial Candidate Amanda Chase advocated that President Trump declare martial law to prevent President-Elect Joe Biden from being sworn in. Her words come as the gubernatorial race kicks off with several candidates launching active campaigns.

Her post, which garnered 8.6 thousand reactions on Facebook, read “The American people aren’t fools. We know [Joe Biden] cheated to win and we’ll never accept these results. Fair elections we can accept but cheating to win; never. It’s not over yet. So thankful President Trump has a backbone and refuses to concede. President Trump should declare martial law as recommended by General Flynn.” Despite receiving support from supporters of the Senator, she received major backlash from Republican politicians and officials. Her opponent, Del. Kirk Cox (R-Colonial Heights) said “Senator Chase’s suggestion that martial law be imposed is absurd and dangerous… I taught government for 30 years and have great respect for our constitutional republic. Per that system and the electoral college vote yesterday, Joe Biden will be the next President.”

Chase’s comments are just one instance in a long line of controversial or misleading statements made by the candidate. Only on December 14th did she acknowledge the existence of COVID-19. Previously, she had said “JUST SAY NO TO COVID-19 VACCINATIONS,” along with “Hell no to mandatory vaccinations. I will fight this with everything that is in me- so help me God.” On the campaign trail, she has repeatedly said that “I don’t do COVID anymore,” and that she has “made a decision one day…no, we’re not doing this anymore. I don’t do COVID anymore, I’m back to normal, full speed ahead.”

Chase’s spot in the race has also been subject to controversy after she suddenly announced last week that she planned to run in the general election as an independent after the Republican Party of Virginia chose to nominate by convention. After several days of publicly stating that “she would run as an Independent in a Republican Primary,” she officially announced on Facebook that she would unwithdraw from the Republican nominating process.

The past several weeks of events have drawn attention to the gubernatorial race, as candidates begin fundraising and crossing the Commonwealth in preparation for the primary. While Chase has been campaigning for months, and has even come to Gloucester, other candidates are just beginning their campaigns. Frontrunner and Former Governor Terry McAuliffe announced his campaign just last week, bringing the most likely candidate to the forefront. His main rival, Del. Jennifer Carroll Foy (D-Prince William) resigned in response to bypass fundraising limitations.

While we may be several months out from the primary, the actions of the candidates now will have significant impacts as they seek to enter the campaign season strong. Even as Chase grapples with controversy, her support base remains loyal and apt to campaign for her bid for the Republican nomination.