U.S. News

Senator Bernie Sanders (D-VT) speaking after his victory in New Hampshire. Photo by Associated Press.

Senator Bernie Sanders Wins New Hampshire Primary

Editor-in-Chief Orlando Angelone

(Dukes' Dispatch) - A week after the hectic Iowa Caucuses, which has seen confusion and debate about who actually won, we have a definite answer from the people of New Hampshire about who they want to be President. After a close intense night of returns Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders has come out on top, followed by former South Bend Indian Mayor Pete Buttigeig, and Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar.

This is the second time that Senator Sanders has won the all important New Hampshire Primary, having beaten Secretary Hillary Clinton in the tumultuous 2016 Democratic Primary.

All of the poling leading up to the primary indicated that the Vermont Senator was going to win the primary, with him consistently beating his rivals. But this did not mean that Sanders laid back and waited for his victory, he and the other candidates had been running all around the state in a mad dash to make as many speeches pleading their case in the short week post Iowa that they had.

An interesting point from the primary was the downfall of Former Vice President Joe Biden in the state, and the rise of seeming non-starter Senator Amy Klobuchar, who surged to third place in the state after coming in fifth in Iowa. It was expected no less than a month ago that Joe Biden would most likely win, but something seemed to happen that destroyed the Former V.P.'s support in the state, though it is unsure what exactly did it.

An interesting point about the primary is that it has cemented Bernie Sanders' status as a front runner in the race. He has now won the popular vote in Iowa, New Hampshire, and has now overtaken Joe Biden in the national polls. This is very good for the Senator Sanders, who up until now had been a consistent second to the former Vice President. It also means that it is the first time Sanders has ever been number one in the nation, seeing as he never overtook Hillary Clinton in polling in 2016. It can be expected that with his new front runner status Bernie should be ready for many more attacks.

Another ramification from the New Hampshire Primary is that we saw three of the candidates drop out after what can only be described as lackluster performances. Former Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick, who's campaign never seemed to get off the ground, announced his exit the morning after the results came in, whilst Colorado Senator Michael Bennet announced his exit the night of.

But to many, the most surprising and disappointing exit was that of outsider Andrew Yang. Yang was a more fringe candidate, but he had a loyal fan base and support on the internet among young people. Our area of the state had many loyal Yang supporters, one of which was Senior Alexander Salisbury, who was noted as saying about his exit, "It is really upsetting, He was the only Democrat I supported."

So with New Hampshire in the rear view, on to Nevada!