U.S. News

The 88.7 million followers of the President were surprised to find his account had been permanently suspended. Photo by Kelsie Henderson.

President Trump's Twitter Account Permanently Suspended

Tech giant cites fears of continued violence and violation of the site's terms and conditions

Reporter Kaia Hutton

On Friday, January 8, President Donald Trump was banned from twitter, along with a handful of other social media platforms until at least Inauguration Day (January 20) for many reasons.

Twitter ended a nearly 12-year run with Donald Trump by shutting off his account, of which acted as an instant line of communication from him to almost 90 million followers.

Over the last few years, Twitter has been receiving criticism for exempting Donald Trump from accountability as he allegedly disregarded all of their rules and guidelines.

Critics have argued this allowed him to constantly post misleading or false information freely, unlike other users, whose accounts would assumidly have been taken off immediately.

Throughout those years he was on Twitter, Trump has used his account to fire people under his administration, retweet controversial figures (including self-avowed white supremacists), tweet out new policies, and to even insight violence upon others.

The President's Twitter account also included tweet disregarding legislative initiatives which did not fit into his narrative.

Twitter decided that now was the best time to suspend the account, for the possibility of him telling his following to interfere with the election or impeachment process once more.

His following is incredibly angered by his account suspension.

His son Donald Trump Jr., tweeted on Friday, “Free Speech Is Under Attack! Censorship is happening like NEVER before! Don’t let them silence us.¨

Other social media platforms have considered taking similar action against the President in response to last week’s chaos. As of press time, the president has yet to respond to the banning.