
Chair of the House Ways and Means Committee Richard Neal (D-MA 2) (US House Office of Photography), and President Donald Trump (R) (White House)

Chair of House Ways and Means Committee Requests President Trump's Tax Returns from the I.R.S.

Editor-In-Chief Orlando Angelone

WASHINGTON, DC (Duke's Dispatch) - Chairman of the House of Representatives Ways and Means Committee Richard Neal (D-MA 2) formally requested President Trump's tax returns from the Internal Revenue Service utilizing a provision in United States Tax Code that is Seldom used. This comes after years of Democrats requesting and asking for the president's returns.

It has been a norm of running for president for decades that the candidates make an effort to release their tax returns from up to, but not limited to six years in advance.

But President Trump broke this norm in 2016 by not releasing his returns, claiming that he was under audit, even though there is no legal president that states you cannot release your returns while being audited.

Democrats state that they wish to obtain the President's returns because they believe that he has committed tax fraud, and getting his return would be a great step to getting there.

And Democrats believe that a provision in the U.S. Tax Code that says you can request tax returns as a part of an investigation is their ticket to the president's financial history.

But it seems that President Donald Trump feels differently. When President Trump was asked, “Do you believe federal law requires you to give Congress your tax returns?” He responded with “No, there is no law. As you know, I got elected last time with this same issue. And while I’m under audit, I won’t do it. If I’m not under audit, I would do it. I had no problem with it. But while I’m under audit, I would not give my taxes. There’s no law whatsoever.”

This seems to fly in the face of reality, though, since according to tax experts, there are specific laws in IRS code that allow for this to happen.

Chair of House Ways and Means Richard Neal also set a deadline for the U.S. Treasury department to release the Presidents returns, which the Departments Secretary Steve Mnuchin swiftly Rejected.

And so now it seems like a battle in court will be what comes next, with an aid for Neal saying that what happens next depends on what the IRS does in regards to the President's Returns.

When President Trump was first asked about what he thought about the House Democrats renewed push for six years of his Tax Returns, he responded with, "Is that all? Oh, usually it's 10 so I guess they're giving up."

Many Republicans in both congress and in the media have seen these actions by the democrats as just political bluster and hatred of the president, and that the democrats are now politicizing the I.R.S. And there have even been some Republicans who have said that they would be open to using the I.R.S.'s power against their opponents in the Future, whilst Democrats have Responded by saying that they have serious concerns about the President.