U.S. News

Biden Accuser Comes To The Spotlight As Former VP Claims Dem Nomination

Former Senate Aide Claims The Presumptive Nominee Sexually Assaulted Her in 1993

Reporter Tyler Bagent

On Friday, May 1st, Former Vice President and Presumptive Democratic Nominee Joe Biden officially denied sexual assault allegations from former aide Tara Reade, after she repeatedly claimed he sexually assaulted her in 1993. Biden also called for the National Archives to release any report Reade may have filed.

Originally, Reade claimed Biden assaulted her in April 2019, around the time Biden joined the presidential race. She, along with seven other women, accused Biden of inappropriate conduct. Not until April 2020 did she file a police report, followed up by an interview with the New York Times. Soon after, The Intercept brought forward a 1993 CNN Clip from Larry King, with an interview with an unnamed caller (claimed by Reade to be her late mother) speaking on her daughter’s trouble with a high-level Senator. Following this, several other people came forward and told the press that Reade had mentioned the assault in 1993.

Reade has met much criticism from Biden supporters and surrogates. Many have come forward and accused her of changing her story, with several statements by Reade giving different accounts of the alleged assault. They have also pointed to the dozens of allegations made against President Trump since his bid in 2016, notably the 2005 Access Hollywood tape in which Trump describes encounters with women. She has also received much support, especially from the Bernie Sanders ‘progressive” wing of the Democratic Party, particularly those who have committed to not voting for Joe Biden in the general election against Donald Trump.

As the story develops, new information is coming to light on the alleged assault. As the election progresses on, time will tell how this affects Biden’s campaign.