
Maggi Rae Belvin was born May 30th, 2003 in Riverside Hospital in Gloucester, Virginia. She is now 16 years old and a Junior at Gloucester High School. In her second semester she is enrolled in Study Hall, Journalism, Chemistry, AP History, and AP English.

She takes her pride in knowing that the semester before she was able to create a 41 page portfolio full of the pieces she wrote in her Creative Writing class. She hopes to continue adding to the portfolio and use it in her future, since she hopes to pursue writing.

Though even with these prides in her life and dreams she still has doubts, struggles, and sadness. Her greatest flaw is that she doubts herself many times over with almost every choice she makes, and struggles immensely with her emotions. She believes she cares and forgives too much. Also allowing sadness to attack randomly and ruin her happiness for a bit of time. She is working on it, though she is trying her best to fix these flaws.

In her spare time Belvin uses her time to read or write when bored. Though those hobbies live in her weekdays after school, her weekends are filled though. Since she spends almost every weekend with her best friend Grace Bonesteel. Belvin says that the two girls have spent every weekend since September together. While they both joke together that they will stop this trend once they are “sick of each other” each girl swears that they will, “never reach being sick of each other”.

Like everyone though Belvin has things that annoy her, her pet peeves. Those include multiple people talking at once in almost every direction, she says that it is “hard for her to focus and calm down with so much commotion going on around her”. She also finds it displeasing when she is touched without any warning, especially from behind. It makes her uncomfortable and anxious. While she has many other small pet peeves those two are the most prominent and effective ones that she holds.