
Leela Booth is a freshman attending Gloucester high school. She was born in Richmond, Virginia on April 29, 2005. She is currently enrolled in Symphonic band, Journalism, English, and Spanish 1. Leela is very proud that she does well in school and sustains A and B honor roll most of the time. One thing she wishes she could change about herself is how quiet she is because she doesn’t like to meet new people a lot and rarely does. Her biggest struggle is staying focussed because she gets easily distracted by little things and she zones out sometimes. Some of Leela’s main interests are listening to music, things to do with kayaking and the outdoors. She is in marching band and plays the clarinet. On the off season of marching band she doesn’t really do anything until the summer, summer is her favorite season. Leela has a list of pet peeves like when people talk with food in their mouth or chew with their mouth open, and she doesn’t like it when people use the wrong grammar. She also hates it when people walk slow in the hall resulting in being late to class.