
Kendall Billings was born in Nebraska, on August 15th, 2005. She is currently pursuing her career as a freshman at Gloucester High School. Kendall is attempting numerous classes, such as; french lll, journalism, science honors, and world history honors. All those honors classes she is trying to take are most likely going to be the death of her. The list of things she’s proud of is very limited, but one thing she can say she is proud of is her grades, which she has somehow kept as A’s all year. Now, on the terms of things she wishes to change about herself, there are many. However, if she had to limit it to one thing, she would change herself to be more confident. Confidence is a struggle in Kendall’s mediocre life, and it would be great if she stopped hating herself. Though she may not be good at it, Kendall likes to write, and has a bad habit of reading. She likes to be transported to worlds that are not her own, and she likes to create whimsical worlds where people don’t suck. Kendall has many pet peeves, such as, but not limited to; people who walk down the hallway slowly, and you can’t pass them, when people interrupt her, those rotten people that kick her seat, when people talk so quietly you can’t hear them, and then expect you to do what they asked despite you not being able to hear them, but you’re too shy to ask them to repeat themselves more than twice, and herself.