
Panda Clevenger is a Sophomore at Gloucester High School. She was born on 15th October 2003 in Newport News, but has lived in Gloucester her entire life. She is currently enrolled in PE 10, Journalism, AP World History, English 10 Honors, and Honors Biology.

She’s most proud of continuing to work at learning Russian after 5 years, despite not yet being fluent. She is also proud of her DnD character, Dakris of Neverwinter, “he’s definitely my favourite character I’ve made” she comments. One thing she’d like to change, however, is her shyness. She explains, “my biggest struggle is definitely my fear of the unknown, especially the future.” Some of her interests include Critical Role, DnD Frozen II, bees, random shiny objects, cool rocks, plants, specifically succulents, and drawing. Panda’s music taste has a large range, including artists such as Sabaton, Rush, Iced Earth, Florence and the Machine, and various musicals. When she graduates, she plans to emigrate to Canada for college, and wants to become either a concept artist or a freelance artist. Her greatest pet peeve is people who judge others based on appearance.