
She just started here, so that would make her a freshmen. She is 14 years old, soon to be 15. Her birthday is July 6, 2005. She was born in norfolk. Then she moved to Va Beach right after she was born. She lived there for a year then she moved to Middlesex. Then last year she moved here in Gloucester. She is currently taking Spanish 1, Journalism, Algebra, and world history. The one thing she wishes she could change about her is to be more confident. If she was more confident she feels she could do a lot more things instead of being nervous about messing up and what other people think. This moment her biggest struggle she is having is getting used to her new classes. She got so used to her old classes that now it’s hard for her to get used to these classes. She loves taking photos. Her best pictures are always of nature. She also likes taking photos of animals. Her biggest pet peeve is when people keep clicking their pen over and over again. Another pet peeve of hers is when people talk while they are eating or eating with their mouths open.