
Ethan Miller is a Senior at Gloucester High School. He is a jocular young shaver with a particular fondness for reading, writing, and playing piano, with a side of video games. He has a particularly major interest in the comings and goings of the game industry. Mains Terry and Hero in Smash Ultimate. The classes he takes are the standard affair, sans being one of those filthy band nerds.

He was born in Williamsburg, Virginia, but family matters saw him move to Toronto, Canada, where he spent most of his childhood until his parents stopped playing nice. He is a gamer. He also spent a good chunk of his childhood days teaching himself to play the piano, which is one of his skills he is proudest of. If there was one thing he would change about himself, it would be how perfect he is. He’s just too perfect, which is intimidating. He has three four pet peeves, his three cats: Neko, Trixie, and Lucina, and his one dog: Sam, which is named after the inferior brother in Supernatural (Dean is obviously better but whatever you say Mom). He doesn’t like crabs.

His biggest struggle is nothing, because he never struggles.