
Colleen Brownley is a freshman at Gloucester High School. She is enrolled in Algebra 2/Trig, even though she is not remotely passable at basic addition. One of Colleen’s main hobbies is crying alone in her room while binging Adventure Time. Her other pastimes include writing, reading, and theatre. She is proud of her ability to balance a book on her head while walking, that is her only talent other than her ability to disappoint people. Colleen struggles with making friends and implores all who read this “to reach out and be [her] friend, because [she is] rather lonely” (Brownley 2020). She was born on September 15th, 2005. Which means that she is essentially a baby and that she shares a birthday with Prince Harry. Colleen Brownley loves dogs and when faced with this fluffy animal she will attack it, with cuddles and belly rubs. One of Colleen’s largest foes at the moment is stress and how to manage it. Colleen is often faced with the overwhelming feeling to be perfect in every way which sometimes leads to her frequent breakdowns. Her biggest pet peeve is when people pronounce her name wrong. She hopes to study abroad for a year after high school in Germany and return to the states to get her doctorate in creative writing. Colleen is excited for her first year in journalism and is hoping to use it as a way to channel her strong opinions.