
Cassidy Meyerhoffer is a 10th grader at Gloucester High School. She was born on July 27th, 2004 in Abilene Texas. She is enrolled in 5 classes. She has Algebra 1, Journalism, Heath/PE, NJROTC, and Biology 1. Cassidy is very proud of her accomplishments in NJROTC. She said when she first joined rotc, her family said she would never make it, and that she couldn't last the year. But she has been in rotc for 2 years, and she has accomplished so much. Cassidy added she wants to go for all 4 years. The one thing Cassidy would want to change about herself is nothing. She shows pride in who she is. Cassidy said something about her pride. “Everything happens for a reason. My past is what made me who I am today. And if I ever had the chance to change anything. I wouldn't change a single thing. Because people like me for who i am.” the one struggle that Cassidy has. Is relationships with people, friends and family. She has a trust issue, and doesn't like to get close to others. Cassidy has so many hobbies but the one hobby that stands out, is that she is a singer. A really good singer. She practices day and night. On high and low notes. Her dream is to be in a band. She wants to play the piano and the electric guitar. Cassidy has practiced for years for her time to shine, she has even practiced her screams; and when she leaves high school, she is going to pursue her dream of being in a punk rock band. Cassidy hates when people sniff their fingers, and she hates when people talk over her. Cassidy said “I hate when the teacher asks a question, and im the very first person to raise my hand! Then the teacher… PICKS SOMEONE ELSE! Like… WHAT THE HECK!!”