
Cameron Ashley is a ninth grader at Gloucester High School. She was born in Williamsburg, Virginia on March 26, 2005. Her schedule consists of the classes French 2, Journalism, Environmental Science Honors, and Geometry Honors. Cameron is proud of many various accomplishments, including her newfound understanding of the French language. If Cameron could change anything about herself, she would change her somewhat jealous ways, and how they can affect some friendships negatively. One of Cameron’s biggest struggles is her height. She is sometimes assumed to be younger than she is because of her height, and that annoys her quite a bit. She has many hobbies and activities that she enjoys doing every so often, but her main activities are painting, drawing, writing, hiking, and running/track. Some of Cameron’s worst pet peeves are fake friends, grammatical errors, and extremely slow walkers. Overall, Cameron Ashley is a typical teenager who faces many of the same situations and issues that many of her peers do.