Brady Altland

This reporter's name is Brady Phillip Altland, and he is currently a freshman at Gloucester High School. Brady was born on March 10th, 2005 at Langley Air Force Base Hospital emergency room. Brady’s current classes are Algebra 1, Journalism, Art Foundations, and Earth Science. Brady’s proudest achievement is getting a shiny Sigilyph from the ultra wormhole in Pokemon Ultra Sun. Another achievement Brady has is trying to overcome ADD. A thing Brady wants to change about himself is his communication skills because of has bad communication skills. He can talk to friends, family and his cat, Jesse easily but not so much with strangers and teachers in a new class. His interests are games, drawing, how videogames work. He likes to play videogames and to draw. Brady’s pet peeves are his sister, people who fortnite dance, people who treat opinions as facts, the media when there is something that someprople disagree with, and people who walk slow and create a human wall just to talk with friends in the hallway.