
Ashley Howle is a Sophomore at Gloucester County High School, born in Williamsburg on August 21st, 2004. Her classes of the current semester aside from Journalism is Biology, 10th Grade Health and P.E., and English 10, with plans to take the electives Multimedia, Drawing and Painting, and French 3 her next year.

Reportedly, one thing Ashley states she is proud of is managing to pass Algebra 2 and Trigonometry her last semester, something she generally thought negatively about, due to the fact she never background checked herself before enrolling in the course and forgetting she had a C in her Algebra 1 class. “I hate math, either it’s dumb or I’m dumb, and I’m probably dumb.” She stated, in a similar fashion to other students’ complaints.

Currently, after accomplishing the feat of getting by in her honors class, she now struggles with her lifelong problem of negativity and socialization. One of the only things allowing her to relieve said stress is art and writing, two hobbies of creative release Ashley holds close to herself. Back on the negative hand, a few things Ashley dislikes are people who won’t stop talking, slow walkers, and people who still don’t understand grammar.