
Gloucester Goes Head To Head With Bethel

Reporter Makenna Keyes

On Friday October 11, 2019, the Gloucester Dukes go up against the Bethel Bruins for Bethel’s homecoming game. Throughout the whole game it was an intense competition going back and forth. The Dukes come back from being down for the win, 59-49, being the highest scored Gloucester game in history.

Gloucester starting on the defensive end of the kickoff, Bethel jumped right in and scores the first touchdown of the game and kicking a good extra point bringing the score 0-7.

Gloucester struggling to find their rhythm couldn't land a touchdown, but ended up kicking a field goal by Isaiah Lester having the score now 3-7. This little bit of momentum gave the Dukes the jump they needed to get going.

Gloucester defense, being a wall, forces Bethel to punt the ball back to them. With the ball back in the Dukes hands they went to work. The Dukes started off with a long run and getting the first down they needed. The very next play Gloucester gets a 60-yard rushing touchdown by Malakyi Cooke and with an extra point kick, bringing the score 10-7 with the Dukes on top.

Shortly after, Bethel scores with a rushing touchdown to answer back to the Dukes making the score now 10-14.

With under a minute left in the half, Gloucester gets a passing touchdown down to Jordan Mumford and counting the extra point to bring the Dukes back on top, 17-14.

Both sides of the crowd would be cheering and on their feet one minute and the next sitting back waiting for their team to get back on top and hopefully put the game away and win the game.

To start the third quarter of Gloucester receives the kickoff from Bethel. Kenley Williams returns the kickoff on a long run and getting the Dukes great energy to start the new half and a touchdown. The Dukes start to pull away with the score now 24-14.

The Bruins refuse to go down easily and answered right back with a rushing touchdown just to let everyone know they were still alive and ready to fight and the score now being 24-21. Bethel coming off with that momentum rattles Gloucester to a forced fumble and then recovered by the Bruins.

A minute later the Bruins scored a rushing touchdown bringing the score back with Bethel on top again with the score 24-28.

The Dukes pulling themselves together and refusing to let Bethel get to them and score rushing touchdown by Cooke and with another extra point kick having the score now at 31-28 and the Dukes on top again.

Bethel answers back quickly with a rushing touchdown but missed the extra point kick. Making the Bruins on top yet again with 31-34. Bethel not letting up score another touchdown just minutes later and extending their lead 31-41 and ending the intense third quarter.

In the beginning of the fourth the Dukes have a beautiful pass by Lester to Mumford for a touchdown and cutting down the Bruins lead to 38-41 and Gloucester started to turn up the heat and not let up.

The Dukes doing an onside kick and recovering the ball helps them continue to go as hard as they could. Williams gets free on a run and score a rushing touchdown for the Dukes. Pulling through and bringing the score to 45-41 with the Dukes on top again.

The Dukes pulled a trick play faking a run and having Brandon Pryor throw his second touchdown of the season to Mumford for his third touchdown of the game. Now making the game 52-41.

Gloucester getting back on defense, Kaleb Spencer gets an interception and runs it back for a touchdown. This would be the first “Pick 6” of the season for Spencer. This was also Gloucester’s fourth touchdown in a row and having the score now 59-41.

Bethel ended up scoring one last time late in the fourth then making the score 59-49, but it was too late because the clock ran out and the Dukes secured the win.

This coming Friday, October 18, Gloucester hosts the homecoming and face off during the Hampton Crabbers. Go Dukes!