
GHS Field Hockey "Thinks Pink" as they Shut Out Hampton

Editor Daniel Walsh

The Gloucester Lady Dukes came home once again as champions.

On Tuesday, October 18th, the Gloucester Lady Dukes beat Hampton High School in the annual “pink out game”. While the team played like it was just another game, this game was significant in the fact that it was played to raise awareness of breast cancer. The team won the annual “pink out” game placing them higher in the leader boards and also raising awareness for breast cancer.

On Tuesday, The girl’s annihilated Hampton High School 11-0. At the beginning of the game, team members noticed they were playing “sloppy” as Junior Cara O'Bern recalls, however, they quickly improved their game in fear of getting scored on and ended up retaliating harder than Hampton expected. This shows by the team scoring on their rivals 11 times to 0. Senior Meg Tegal accredits part of Tuesday's win to the team's strong defense and ability to quickly take shots when needed.

One thing that separates Tuesday's game so much from other games in the season is that this game was played specifically to raise awareness of breast cancer. The players on the team decked themselves out in all of their pink gear to show support. The team also worked to put together a nonprofit bake sale in which profits went towards breast cancer research and prevention. Efforts of this bake sale were not left unrewarded as it raised over 1000 dollars to go towards the cause.

While the win of the pink out game certainly is humbling for Gloucester, it's become more or less expected. So far this season, Gloucester has won every single game they've played, more often than not winning to mercy rule. Mercy rule is a rule in which if a team is beating their opponents with at least six points for a long enough period of time, the team automatically wins.

The pink out game was yet another success for the Gloucester Lady Dukes. The game propelled the team closer to playing finals and all for a good cause. The bake sale is just a reminder that if efforts are all put together, work for the greater good of humanity can pay off. Overall, players, parents and the local community are proud of Gloucester for their win and their contribution to society. Go lady dukes!