
Review: Dull "Star Wars" sequel betrays the fans

Reprter Blake Call

We've had plenty of horrible Star Wars movies, but they pale in comparison to the horrible disgrace that is“The Rise Of Skywalker.” This movie had so many plot holes and horrible dialogue, the only thing it elevated was Star Wars fans’ blood pressure. The amount of cringey dialogue packed in to this single two hour movie rivals all of the prequel trilogy combined.

Starting off with the plot holes in the movie: I will first address the largest plothole in the movie, and the question that has been plaguing fans minds: how on earth did Palpatine survive his trip down the shaft? If Disney had kept “Legends,” the extended Star Wars cannon created by a collection of novels, comics, and video games, we might have had an answer. But unfortunately, they cast “Legends” out and deemed them non-canon, leaving us wondering how an old man survived an exploding Death Star. These types of plot holes are regular issue in this movie and occur often.

Most of the lines in the original trilogy of Star Wars are automatically recognizable when heard to fans of the series, and even those who watch Star Wars casually. But when it comes to the sequel trilogy, none of the lines spoken are profound, iconic or even memorable in their cheeseyness. It's almost impossible to remember any lines, profound or otherwise, spoken In “The Rise Of Skywalker.” The movie gave Rey no character development and her personality was as bland as all the other characters personalities it felt like watching cardboard cutouts talk for two hours.

“The Rise of Skywalker” is an unworthy sequel that should be stripped from the cannon of the “Star Wars” franchise. It is clear that Disney has no idea what there doing with this franchise and are pumping out horrible movies just to make a profit. What made Star Wars good originally was the passion put into it by George Lucas and the cast making it. Unfortunately, for this entry, Disney finds themselves on the Dark Side.