
"Red Dead Redemption 2" Delivers on All the Promises of the Original and Then Some

Reporter Christopher Sedaca

Red Dead Redemption 2 is a fun and gorgeous game, competing with their previous award winning game Grand Theft Auto 5 in looks and game play. Red Dead Redemption 2 is a western game set in 1899, you play as Arthur Morgan, who is a senior gun in the Van Der Linde Gang. You follow the gang as they’re on the run from Pinkertons, police hired by the government to track down and destroy the Van Der Linde Gang. After a deal gone wrong on a boat, you and the gang are forced to flee from Blackwater as the Pinkertons are on the trail tracking you down.

The sound effects and voice acting is superb in this game. I can say that the voice acting is something that stands out. While you ride a horse, if you get too far away from the person you’re talking to, Arthur will yell instead so that they can hear. Same will be with other people talking to you while riding. The sounds of this world is beautiful to the ears as you walk around, going near a waterfall you can see mist waving upwards above and hear the roaring of the water as it splashes down below.

The horse mechanics are realistic and massive fun; the controls are sometimes hard to use but after a small while you can get used to it and memorize them. The funniest part I have had when riding my horse is when I accidentally hit a tree, resulting in a loud thud and Arthur Morgan flying through the air. The horse itself is amazing in many ways, showing the muscles on their legs, the waving of their tail and mane in a soft breeze, while dust being kicked up from underneath you.

Towns flourish and are alive unlike many games, giving you the opportunities to interact with the people walking by, saying hi or antagonize them.You can also rob them, but be careful, as this is the wild west and almost every person holds a gun. Robberies may go wrong resulting in a shootout. If you escape alive then return later, the person you shot might have a bandage on his hand if you shot him there, or a bandaged head if shot in the eye. When you walk inside their shop they will remember you and tell you not to create trouble again. These towns are alive and flourish, you get to witness people building homes and chopping trees and see actual changes through your game play.

Your gang has a camp that you may return to, so you may change clothes, shave and interact with your gang members who will walk up to you talking or ask questions, which makes everything feels more real, as many games have you needing to go up to them as they stand still somewhere. The characters around you are lovable and can make you feel attached to them, and there are characters who you will grow to have a deep hatred for. The play on the gamers feelings is something many games lack nowadays.

This game stands out from many other games of this year, and the world is so wide and amazing. I have had so much fun in shootouts, interacting with other people, and just enjoying the beautiful landscape that there is. From swampy areas, to vast, wide plains, to snowy high mountains, it is beautiful. This game is amazing in the terms of storyline, you just need the patience for it. If you’re a fan of video games where characters are lovable, hate able, or just dumb fun. This game is for you.