
IT II: Is Not Scary, And That Is Why It Is Good

By Reporter Alicia Dunn

It was supposed to be a terrifying new movie that struck fear into viewers' hearts, but it didn't. It conveyed a “coming of age” message instead. The movie doesn't have the same feel as the previous one. Most of the first film had multiple scares and terrifying scenes. However, this actually works in favor of the ‘‘horror’’ movie.

The main plot of the movie was the former tortured kids coming back and fighting off the alien clown. But, even though they came back, that doesn't mean they remembered everything. Because of the trauma, they had forgotten many of the events of the previous film. The only one that remembered was the one who stayed in that town and researched how to kill it for 27 years.

The reason none of this was scary was because the plot is more concerned with having a message about accepting yourself as a person and self esteem rather than keeping people up with night terrors. There were scenes that showed bloody violence, but they weren't exactly “scary,” just graphic.

Even though, a bloodthirsty, spider, alien, clown is one of the last things you would think about teaching you self esteem. Towards the end when they were trying to defeat the alien clown, they used one method, belittling him, rather than stabbing or killing or hurting him physically. Whether it worked or not, go see the movie.

Even when the thunderous clown brings up all the main character's flaws and insecure tendencies they don’t back down and continue to stand strong. Using their trauma as confidence against the clown is another metaphor for real life.

If you use you past internal scars against your fears you will be more confident as a human being, and wiser as you go on in life. This movie is filled with messages like this you may miss if you don't pay attention. Now the fact that they had to use a menacing clown to get you to the message is not bad, just interesting.

Also in the middle of the movie one of the main characters revealed a big secret about him, and towards the end he also confirmed it. After years of being tortured over one small detail in his life, he uses this as confidence towards the menacing clown. Before you know it all, of the main characters use past issues, or trauma as confidence against IT the clown, alien, spider creature.

In all, the entire movie was moving, heartfelt, jarring, and hopeful throughout the entire movie. It was one of the best “horror” movies with an underlying message. It is really hard to make a movie that is based on horror to have a real life meaning, not just a blood, gore, and horror. A movie that will make you hide under the covers at night is o.k. But definitely not as good as a movie that can change your perspective on the world. This movie definitely hit the nail on the head with having a good overall message. Go see this movie it's definitely worth it.