
CW show All American is definitely a touchdown

“All American” brings attention to important issues like racism and bullying and really captures the phrase “some things are not how they seem,” and makes it totally binge worthy.

Reporter Leela Booth

The first scene starts off with Spencer James, the main character, standing on the field in position ready to play, the tough grass of the field underneath his cleats. The whisle blows and Spencer runs down the field towards the end of the field, the football flying mid air as the other team tries to catch it but fails and Spencer catches it sliding into the end zone and just like that they win the game. The team starts celebrating but then BAM! Gunshots and screams are heard from all around the stadium. But the sad fact is that this is normal for people in Crenshaw.

This exciting show is mostly based on Spencer James and his dream of being a football star. When Spencer is asked to join the Beverly Eagles, he is faced with people trying to get him back to Crenshaw by sabotaging him, but it just results in him having to move to Beverly Hills and live with his football coach, Billy Baker, who has a lot more to do with the story than it seems. All while living with basically a strangers family Spencer is trying to be there for his friend coop who is struggling to come out to her parents and trying to help fix things back in his dark hometown filled with gang bangers and felons. The show also goes into the lives of Olivia Baker, an ex-addict and the football coaches daughter along with Jordan Baker, the quarterback of the Eagles, the coaches son and Olivia's twin brother. The series also also follows relationship problems between teammates and Spencer himself.

One of the things that I like most about the show is that it goes deeper into characters' lives that you think are perfect and makes you realize that just because people seem like they have it all on the outside they might be struggling more than anybody on the inside. For example, Layla Keating is the rich daddy’s, girl but is still struggling with her mother's death and her father being away all the time because of his job as a music producer. And Asher Adams, who is salty that Spencer took his position on the teams, comes off as a self absorbed rich jerk but has a few secrets of his own. This is where that phrase “some things are not how they seem.”

The suspense filled show leaves you wanting more after every episode and I find it hard to stop watching, as every episode passes by I get even more anxious to know what happens next. And suddenly I’m out of episodes and I’ve finished two whole seasons. The third season is said to premiere in the fall (which is too long for me to wait).

This show is definitely a tear jerker

4.5 stars