
Three Hour School Day Extension Effects Everyone...Badly

Reporter Blake Call

I’m sure you've heard of the U.S Senator Kamala Harris and her proposal to extend the school day for 3 extra hours. I'm also sure your reaction to this just like mind was discontent and anger at this politician for even suggesting something so cruel,unreasonable, and ridiculous. Like you, I have also thought about what kind of effect of the bill could cause on the economy and the possible raise of taxes we may receive if this bill is passed. If this bill is passed there are many effects it will cause our economy, and possibly the economies of other countries.

The first of these possible effects and strain on our economy is the likely raise in taxes and the cutting of funds from other government projects that may affect us and other counties. The raise in taxes will most likely be met with backlash from most of Gloucester and will lead to great amounts of controversy that will affect all of America and its citizens greatly. The need to redirect government funding to the school will be necessary to keep the schools’ power running, and water bills would need to be paid with a larger expense due to the longer school schedule. The largest issue regarding the funding of the school is the teachers’ pay. It's very possible that most teachers would go on strike if there not paid overtime for their three hours extra work and there lack of time they can spend with their family (not to mention the alone time they can have with themselves.)

Another pressing issue with the bill is the willingness of students to comply with these demands, and what a student backlash will cause. I predict that this bill will most likely lead to protests, small riots, teachers striking, and a general unrest among the student population and schools across America. Now I would like you to ask yourself would you want any of things happening in you school? It would be guaranteed chaos, all started by this incompetent senator that could possibly ruin your future, your friends’ futures ,and your teachers’ futures for a long time. So, would anyone comply to these demands that force you and your teachers to stay in this miserable, depressing, and annoying school? Or is the reasonable thing to do protest and form riots to push her out of office?

Now, if your still unsure about how this will affect you somehow I believe that this reason will possibly affect you the most. The change in schedule would cause students to get home around 6:00, which would in turn cause most students’ dinners to be late. Unless you want to ride on a packed cramped cold buss with tons of hungry teenagers, it's recommended that you protest this ridiculous bill that will most likely ruin your school and social life.

Unless you somehow like hungry exhausted teachers who aren't getting paid enough for this, angry students protesting outside the school, and mad parents frantically readjusting their lives, this bill isn't for you.