
Why Joe Biden isn’t the right choice for our country

Disclaimer: This is NOT an endorsement of President Trump.

Editor Brady Landry

Let’s start with one of the most obvious claims on why Joe Biden is not the best choice for the USA. He’s clearly not fit for office mentally. While everyone makes mistakes, someone who has been in politics for over forty years, with multiple teleprompters, writers, and a staff should make sure quotes like “ over 200,000,000 people will die by the time I’m done talking”, “ I’m running as a proud Democrat for Senate.”, and the most recent one, “We have…. The most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics” should not exist. Mike McCormick, who worked with the former Vice President during the second term of the Obama/Biden administration even said, “He’s lost a step and he doesn’t have the same mental acuity he had four years ago.” Dr. Ronny Jackson, who has worked with both the Obama and Trump administrations, said “[Joe Biden] is not up for the job…I’ve watched Joe Biden on the campaign trail and I’m concerned he doesn’t have the mental capacity, the cognitive ability to serve as our commander-in-chief….He is having some really bad days. We’re picking a commander-in-chief who has to be at the top of their game cognitively. And he’s really not.” The lights clearly aren’t all the way on upstairs for the former vice president.

Besides the ignorant and forgetful comments, we can’t forget about the borderline racist and tone deaf comments he’s made in the past. Calling former President and running mate Barack Obama “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice looking guy”, and the infamous “you ain’t black” debacle are some that come to mind. But Biden’s sketchy remarks aren’t the only evidence of his racist past. In the 1970’s, Biden publicly supported segregated busing and called it “a rejection of the whole movement of black pride.” But the comments and busing is small potatoes compared to the notorious 1994 crime bill. The amount of Americans in jail/prison increased by 390% since 1978, mainly due to the Crime bill. How is this linked to Joe Biden? Well, the man himself said “Every major crime bill since 1976, every minor crime bill, has the name of the Democratic Senator from the state of Delaware: Joe Biden.” Biden said he decided to run in 2017, after he claimed President Trump said there were“good people on both sides” after the Charlottesville incident. While this is true, the President made sure to condemn the white supremacists/neo-nazis that were there. Speaking of white supremacists, Joe Biden happened to associate with them. While not eulogizing for a Ku Klux Klan “grand wizard” like the President’s campaign and the right wing media has said, he did consider Democrat Robert Byrd (a KKK recruiter and “exalted cyclops”) a “friend”, “guide”, “leader”, and “mentor.” While it may be true that the President has made some questionable and racist remarks in the past, the alternative doesn’t look like the right answer for a country scarred by racial strife.

A major issue with a potential Biden/Harris presidency is the fact that they are not on the same page with each other. Biden and his now running mate Kamala Harris frequently attacked each other during the 2019 and 2020 Democratic Primaries, with Senator Harris accusing him of associating with known racists. Senator Harris and Biden both disagree on many subjects, such as the legalization of cannabis, Medicare for all immigration. While it is not uncommon for a candidate to pick a former opponent as his/her running mate, it is an issue that, despite what Senator Harris has said, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris do not share the same beliefs

As the Biden/Harris campaign has boasted, Biden has spent 47 years holding political office. But, a lot of those years have been spent working on failures like the 1994 crime bill and the Affordable Care Act, which left millions without proper insurance. The incumbent President Trump certainly has some issues, which will hopefully be fixed if he does have four more years in office, but Vice President Biden is not mentally, socially, or economically fit to be the leader of the free word.