
Why Not to Vote for Trump

Why the President is Unfit for his Current Position

Reporter Kelsie Henderson

This year, people have been begged to vote for a presidential candidate. Whether it's from commercials on the TV, your favorite singer asking you to, or even your friends or family. But who, really, would be the best president?

I don’t believe that either of the candidates are ideal, but one is definitely way better than the other. Trump has done many things that the average person would go to prison for, but it has all been excused because of his power.

For starters, Trump is extremely homophobic and racist. Trump has opposed the Equality Act, appointed anti-LGBTQ+ judges, refused to rent apartments to Black tenants in 1973, and in 1992 said that Native American casinos shouldn’t be allowed because the crowd didn’t “look like Indians to me.”

Trump has also only ever paid $750 in taxes the year he won the presidency. Waitresses and janitors pay more in taxes than our president, which the average person would go to jail for.

We have been in a global pandemic for about seven months now, with instructions to stay home and wear a mask if you do decide to leave the house. Wouldn’t you think the president would do the same, to be a good role model for his American citizens?

Trump has been seen holding rallies with no social distancing rules, and most people didn’t even have masks on. Once Trump caught the virus, he only quarantined himself for 10 out of the 14-20 day isolation.

In conclusion, Trump is dishonest, cold-hearted, and inconsiderate. Would you really want someone like that running this country?