
New library passes, while merited, are causing headaches. Photo by Eden Smith.

Library Lunch Passes are a grievance

Reporter Eden Smith

The Gloucester High School library has implemented a new rule, that has truly *upset* some of the students.

As of March 20th, all students that usually come to the library during lunch now have to sign in daily and obtain a pass.

Without a pass, the student would not be allowed to stay during lunch, even if they have been sitting there during lunch every day since freshman year.

Students originally had to come in before first block or in between first and second to sign in and receive a paper pass in which they would later turn in to be allowed into the library during their specific lunch block.

This system caused many issues as some students had late-ins, or were not able to make it in time in the morning due to late buses and busy schedules, some students needed time to get breakfast or talk to a teacher or go to guidance.

Coming in between classes was just as problematic because some students have classes across the entire school, and only five minutes in between classes. Not to mention this is our only time to take a restroom break, get a quick word in with a friend or teacher, and to honestly just take a deep breath and prepare themselves for next block.

The librarians later created a link on the Gloucester High School website that leads to a Google sign in document where you can enter your name and reserve a spot, but this can only be done through a school access computer (which do not work half the time).

I understand why the new rule was created; people were taking advantage of the lenience of the librarians and the relaxed environment of the library which was taken into consideration and possibly blamed when a large fight occurred within the vicinity of the library.

Another cause might have been the rowdiness of the other patrons in the library, some of the students would regularly get kicked out from the library for yelling, being disrespectful towards other students and staff, and generally being jerks.

If it were up to me (obviously it is not because I’m sittin here complaining about it), I would have security personally escort said students out of the library as soon as they walked in.

I do not understand why all students must be punished for the actions of a few. I mean it is not the end of the world but it is a mildly infuriating inconvenience to everyone else.

I come to the library. Every. Single. Day. And now an extra process has been added to my daily schedule, just one more thing to stress about. If I’m having an off day and I forget to sign in then I have nowhere to go during lunch.

I come to the library because all the people in the cafeteria give me anxiety and students are not permitted to enter classrooms during lunch block without special permission, and some of our teachers just will not give us permission.