
Students Should Be Able to Grade Their Teachers, and Here’s Why

Students should be able to voice their opinions and suggestions about teachers and classes.

Reporter Cameron Ashley

In the modern school system, teachers grade the students; everybody knows that! But shouldn’t the students be allowed to explain how they feel about their classes and teachers? It’s only fair to give students a voice, and to let them express their opinions. Students should be allowed to grade their teachers’ performance because it allows the students to suggest improvements that would benefit them, it would help teachers improve their curriculums and classes, and it teaches students that their opinions matter and are taken into consideration.

Allowing students to grade their teachers would be a fair and effective way for students to be heard. Students could make suggestions about what could be better about the class, and what could be done to make learning the subject easier for them. They could also explain what is being done well in the classroom. A survey would work perfectly, as the students could rate what is being done well, and what needs to be improved. The survey could be given by the teachers themselves.

The teachers would also benefit from a system like this, as they could clearly see how their class and teaching is affecting the students. They would understand the viewpoint of the students much better with a reverse grading system, and what they could possibly improve or incorporate in their classes to benefit the students.

Lastly, a reverse grading system would let students feel like they matter. As they are in the same classes for five days a week, the students should be allowed to voice their opinions about what they’re being taught. This would also benefit the children into adulthood because they would grow up with the idea that their opinions are taken into consideration.

The idea of a system where the students grade their teachers and classes would be a great improvement to the modern day school system.