
Gazette Journal Correct Story on Students’ Return to School

Typo on website leads to misunderstandings

Editor Ashley Howle

The outbreak of COVID-19 has brought many students from across the globe to be forced to work from home through computers and other mediums, making the school year a very tough one in many student’s opinions. However, GHS provided the opportunity for seniors, and later other students, to make a comeback to the school before anything state-wide was settled.

The Gazette Journal reported on this event, however, but ended up accidentally mistyping the return date. This resulted in some students believing they'd return earlier than intended (namely underclassmen, who would be returning at a later date than the seniors). Mr. Reed, the principal of our school, made an county-wide statement shortly afterwards and addressed that the return date had been misreported. The return date is in fact on the 12th of November.

Hopefully with the fix in information, schedules can return to normal and things can flow smoothly for the school and its returning students.