Gloucester News

COVID-19 Cases Rise in Tri-County District

Gloucester, Mathews, and Middlesex face an increase in COVID-19 Transmissions

Editor Ashley Howle


COVID-19 has been an issue for the entire world for about the entire year of 2020, the first case being reported on New Year’s Day. Now, after nine months of the virus’ outrage, COVID-19 is making its way into the tri-county areas of Mathews, Middlesex, and our home, Gloucester.

According to the Three Rivers Health District, Gloucester is experiencing a rate of five to ten cases per 100,000. Mathews has under five per 100,000, and Middlesex has over 10 per 100,000. Gloucester’s case count itself has increased to 226 cases so far. Mathews has increased to 31 cases, and Middlesex has increased to 83 cases. With these cases, Middlesex has reportedly had a total of 8 deaths so far from COVID-19.

As stated by the Three Rivers Health District in an article from the Gazette Journal, “The main source of community transmissions appears to be individual exposures and private events.” With this, the district encourages further effort in mask usage, social distancing practice, large crowd avoidance, and good sanitation like hand washing.

A few Gloucester residents had something to say about the rise in cases. One student from our school, Audrey Horn, had this to say: “I think it’s ridiculous they’re even thinking about opening up schools when this is happening.” Another student, who wishes to remain anonymous, voices their opinion, “I think it’s simply our own fault due to refusal of basic precautions that stop the virus from being spread, like wearing a mask, washing your hands, and 6 foot social distancing. Of course, you can do all these things and still get the virs, but in many cases it’s preventable.”

Several Gloucester residents fear for their own safety. But if we practice the prevention of it spreading, and continue to self-quarantine when needed, the virus numbers may go down and ensure the safety of our county and many others.