
Clean Gloucester Day

Reporter Summer Smith

Clean Gloucester Day was held on Saturday, March 16th across the county. It took place from 8 a.m. to around 12 pm. Everyone in Gloucester County, including entire neighborhoods, individuals, and families were invited out to help clean up their community. They helped by removing litter from the sides of roads, and various other trash littered sites. The Gloucester Clean community Office often is the key to this event.

Coordinator Leslie Bowie is head of the Clean Up Community, and said that “Clean Gloucester Day” is the country's largest cleanup event. The registration continued from 8 a.m. to noon on Saturday, March 16th. The registration for the even can be found at The Gloucester Clean Community office offers supplies such as safety vests, litter grabbers, and trash bags. All of which that could be picked up at their office during the week of March 11th-15th.

In Gloucester County, roads and parking lots are often littered with trash, which is why these people gathered to come out and clean up. However, they also helped clean up because the upcoming Daffodil Festival was approaching. Many were seen in their yellow vests and orange trash bags near the Courthouse area, helping to clean up and better the Gloucester County Community.