Gloucester News

Gloucester Chick-Fil-A Celebrates 10th Anniversary

The popular restaurant has been a local hangout for ten years now

Editor Ashley Howle

Way back in 2011, Gloucester’s own local Chick-Fil-A would open its doors to serve the county for the very first time. However, on January 13th, its 10th anniversary would be reminisced by the employees and restaurant operator, John Gordon, who had worked hard to get to where he is today, starting out at the franchise back in 2009. Without his efforts, Gloucester wouldn’t have the Chick-Fil-A it does today.

Gordon’s main drive when working through these past 10 years of his own franchise was being “relational and not transactional. ”This would mean that rather than go by the normal etiquette companies pose themselves up for, the staff and members would try their best to make relationships with those they serve. Gordon himself has gained many relationships as well from his time working there, stating: “I’m a better person for the friendship others have gifted me.”

The company has managed to forge many different relationships between nonprofit organizations and communities. They have given much to those who they serve, and gained a high and well reputation for themselves.

Gordon has some ideas on ways to celebrate the company’s anniversary, however with the need for distancing when it comes to the COVID pandemic, those ideas will be put to the side. Staff and customers, however, remain happy for the anniversary of the franchise and how far it’s come from its beginning. Gloucester’s Chick-Fil-A continues to serve its customers the way it always has, and continues to highly value relationships.