Girls Volleyball Secures win over hampton after Nail-Biting turn around

By Reporter Tyler Langley

The girls volleyball team secured a victory over Hampton on Thursday, September 19 with a score of 25.

The Lady Dukes maintained a formidable lead over Hampton in the first two sets, ending both set one and two with a score of 25. “The majority of our team are seniors, so we’ve played together for four years and we have a really good offense technique,” Senior Audrey Conner exclaimed with pride. “Our team works really well together as whole,” said Junior Leah Robins “Our team works really well when we are ahead because we get really goofy, but sometimes when we’re not really focused that well we drop the ball.”

Set three saw Hampton make a comeback, scored 19 consecutive points and compromising the previous 25-5 lead held by The Lady Dukes. “Hampton was really scrapy in the third,” Robins commented. “They didn't really do anything differently,” Conner said “We just let our guard down, because we were winning and were like ‘oh we’re winning now we don't really need to try, and then they had a couple of good hits and we kind of fell apart.” The Lady Dukes feel that the comeback was on them and could have been completely avoided. “We stopped working together and started working against each other just to get it over.”

The Lady Dukes pulled in a close a win by the end of the third set and brought home a victory. Although the game was close, Robins assures us that “ we play better when the score’s are closer than when they’re apart.”