Second election Gets SCA Positions Filled

By Reporter Eve Austin

Last spring, SCA hosted the 2019-2020 elections, but many positions were left unfilled. New Sponsor Ms. Sturts hosted a second election in hopes of boosting student involvement, and now the ranks of SCA have been filled.

The following is a recap of all the positions filled in each class. Among the Freshman, Nathaniel Quick is Secretary, Valerie Vining is Recorder, Jordyn Mitchell is Treasurer, Victoria Dunham-Quigley is Vice President, and Joshua Rodriguez-Cruz is President.

The Junior officers are Ethan Ketchum as Treasurer, Camden Webber as Secretary, and Kayleigh Brown as Recorder.

Kenny Carter is Overall Recorder and Ricky Watkins is Overall Treasurer.

The only position that was contested was that of Freshman president, and the fight was fierce. After a campaign war between Freshman presidential candidates Joshua Rodriguez-Cruz and Allison Farley, the results are out—Rodriguez-Cruz won. The election results were controversial, as Farley did have an impressively relevant “Duke Energy” campaign, but in the end Rodriguez-Cruz won out with his overall experience in SCA and serious demeanor.

Rodriguez says that he is a “strong leader, and can help get things done.” He has the “ability to be a servant.” When asked about his opponent, he emphasized that Farley is “really smart and nice, and has worked with her before back at Page. It won't be a problem if I lose.” Overall, his demeanor was calm, humble, and professional.

These new officers complete the ranks of SCA—something which has not been seen in many years. With these new leaders, it looks as though SCA is going to have some fresh and original minds to welcome in. The year ahead is looking bright.